Contact details

Do you have a question? Contact us!

That’s possible through filling out the form on the right. (brand of Interus)

Van Lawick van Pabststraat 62
6814HK Arnhem
The Netherlands
KvK: 62291564

Route information

We are located in the city of Arnhem, The Netherlands. Our office is near to the beautiful Sonsbeek Park. Please note to use your blue parking card!

Ask your question!

Wait!…Before you’re asking the most frequently asked question:

Does my QR code expire?

First read our FAQ page. All questions are answered there!

For other questions:


  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.

FAQ about is one of the largest QR-code generators. On average, we create over 40.000 QR-codes a week!

At nearly all QR-code generators you need to pay to create. With some QR-code generators it appears to be free, but actually the QR-code is suddenly deactivated if you don’t pay. finds this unfair, and works as follows:

  • will always offer standard QR-codes for free;
  • Our QR-codes will remain functioning forever;
  • Our QR-codes have no max. scan limit;
  • We offer our customers many options to customize QR-codes: color, quality, size, design, frame etc.
  • We offer various QR-code applications (URL, wifi, vCard, etc.);
  • We keep improving our generator constantly!

You can create as many static QR-codes at as you’d like! Next to that, you can create up to 50 (!) dynamic QR-codes for free. If you want more dynamic QR-codes you can shop one of our bundles our inform about the possibilities. You can create QR-codes here.

At you always have the choice to pay nothing, and you’re never tied to any subscriptions.

Thanks to your help we’ve been able to run this website for years, and we’d like to continue on for much longer. Would you like to help as well? Then you can see all advantages that donations offer here.

Would you like to contact us? You can do that here, by entering the form.

Rather call? That’s possible, but first message us via the form with the question. Because so many people contact us, we’re unfortunately unable to call everyone. We’d like to call you back in cases like:

  • Your company has questions about QR-code possibilities;
  • There’s an error, and we’re unable to solve it through email.
  • etc.

In short: Nothing!

This is a service of the government, not from us. So don’t ask any questions about this to us!