
When using QR codes, organisations often customize their QR codes carefully, rather than sticking with the basic black-white blocks. This happens as the color, the edges, the inside, and so on of the QR code can be customized ( read here how that’s possible). Thus, there is a unique QR code for every situation, attracting much more attention than the standard ones. In this blog we will shed light on what some useful tips are when designing QR codes.

In short

  • Customizing QR codes allows for unique designs, increasing attention and engagement.
  • QR codes can be turned into art pieces, offering an attractive and informative display.
  • When customizing QR codes, consider elements that enhance scannability and avoid clutter.

QR codes as art

A company named QR Canvas offers QR code artpieces. Colorfol QR codes printed, or handpainted on a canvas. The painting can be crafted to your wish, and then it can be shown in e.g. a conference- or waiting room. An artpiece like this one is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it also attracts attention. A customer will be inclined to scan the QR code, which is how the company can offer information to customers effectively.

A canvas with a QR code with the company logo incorporated into it, displayed in a company waiting room.

QR code artpiece, Source: QR Canvas

Own design

A QR code artpiece works well, but it can be a little over the top for the goal you want to achieve: sharing information with as many customers as possible. It is wise to have a pretty, customized QR code, but it doesn’t have to be as perfect as the example above. When customizing, the best steps to start with are:

  • Giving people a reason to scan: This can be done via the option frame. Because of this QR codes are scanned more often.
  • Adding an own logo or image. This makes the QR code more unique, and it is more attractive.
  • Using company colors; by using the option color you can select multiple colors yourself.
  • Choosing a pattern that displatys what you want to say. This can be done via design, where different patterns can be chosen.
  • Choosing a frame that fits your organisation or message.

Do you want an explanation of how you can customize QR codes exactly? Click here.

QR code on an Iphone canvas

Example of a QR code that has an aesthetically pleasing design.

What should I pay attention to?

When using the aforementioned list, it is important to feel what fits in the QR code, and what doesn’t. If a customizable element doesn’t add anything, it is better not to include it, as it takes effort, and can make the QR code seem messy. In any case, there are a few things that have to be avoided when customizing QR codes:

  • Avoid confusion between images and logo’s of your organisation and other organisations;
  • Fight shy of QR codes that have become messy because of the design;
  • Avoid using color or pattern combinations that don’t match;
  • Avoid QR codes using color combinations with insufficient contrast, as these QR codes can’t be scanned anymore.

It takes a lot of effort when you have to create a design over and over again. But, you can save your design with just one incidental donation. Then, your design is automatically loaded, and you can optionally adapt it for a QR code you’re generating. Check out our site for the possibilities!

QR code where both the fore- and background is pink

Because of the low contrast, this QR code can’t be scanned anymore.


Yes this is possible! At you can put a logo in the centre of the QR code with the button ‘logo’. Now you can upload an image from your library, and then you can optionally edit the size. This is obviously  very handy as branding. If you want to customize your QR code further you can read more here.

At you can choose to edit the colors, block patterns, the edges, insert your own logo, add a customized frame, adapt the quality, choose a size, and more. With dynamic QR codes you can even enter a customized link which everyone will see when scanning your QR code. There are a lot of options to make your QR code perfect! Looking for more explanation about all our options and how to use them? Click here.

Yes this is possible! You can download the QR code in PNG, SVG or PDF format. Then you can print the QR code. For tips when you’d like to print a QR code, click here.

Yes this is possible!  If you’d like to edit the lay-out you can log into your account and then go to the QR code you’d like to edit. You can click on edit style, and if you’ve changed everything you wanted to change, you can click on finish and save.