Step 1 Create an account

  • To create dynamic QR codes, you need an account to manage your QR codes;
  • After entering your email, you will receive an email with which you can confirm your account;
  • After you’ve entered your email you can directly create QR codes;
  • There is a free and premium version of the QR code;
  • The premium version is one-time $7.99 (so no subscription!) and there are bundles available.
Enter your email address here to create an account

Add these numbers: 2 + 5 =  

By clicking submit, you agree to the terms of service and privacy policy

Why a dynamic QR code?

Track the number of scans

After creating a QR code, we track how often your QR code is scanned.

Edit your link (URL)

After creating your QR code, you can always edit the link.