Why is my QR code not working properly?

QR codes can fail to work for multiple reasons. In this blog you will find solutions for the top 10 causes that make QR codes malfunction.

1. You are using an app

For nearly every phone, an app like QR & Barcode scanner is not required to scan QR codes. QR code scan apps, show ads, and in some instances they don’t work at all. The camera app on your phone can be used by nearly all phones to scan QR codes.

Logo of QR Barcode scanner app

QR & Barcode Scanner app

2. You're using an outdated Android operating system.

When your operating system is lower than Android 9.0, it is a little harder to scan QR codes. These old operating systems are only present in phones from 2018 or earlier. They cannot scan QR codes via the camera app, and are thus the exception to number 1 from this list. With Android 8.0 you can scan QR codes using Google Lens.

Android logo
3. The entered data is not correct

It sounds straightforward, but this happens very often. A QR code links to a page. When the URL of this page has not been typed in correctly, the QR code doesn’t ‘work’. This is not really a QR code that doesn’t function, but is rather data that has not been filled in correctly.

https://:wikipedia.org , or
htps://wikipedia.org, instead of https://wikipedia.org

Page isn't working error Google

When data has not been entered correctly in a QR code, you are also not linked to the landing page. 

4. The contrast is too low

If there is too little contrast between the two chosen colours for the QR code, it becomes tough for a phone to read the blocks in the QR code. This means the QR code cannot be scanned. When this is the case, it is best to choose another colour combination, which has more contrast.

QR code where both the fore- and background is pink

Because of the low contrast, this QR code cannot be scanned.  

5. The corners are not visible

If one of the corners is not visible when scanning, the QR code often fails to work as usual. The phone uses the corners to recognize a QR code as such, meaning that if it is not visible, the QR code is likely not able to be scanned.

QR code with unrecognizable corners

In the image above, the corners aren’t visible. Try to scan it yourself!

6. The QR code is vague

When a QR code is vague on screen or paper, it is possible that it can’t be recognized by a camera anymore. Try to depict QR codes as clearly as possible.

A QR code depicted in very low quality

A vague QR code like this one, cannot be scanned. Try it out!

7. The QR code is too small

When a QR code is too small, it can be difficult for a camera to pick up the blocks in the QR code. Many agree that the minimum size for a QR code is 1×1 cm. In reality however, it depends on scanning distance, and how much data is in the QR code (and thus how many blocks). Read more

Small QR code containing a lot of data

This QR code contains a lot of data, and cannot be scanned with this size. 

Small QR code containing less data

This one contains less data, and can be scanned with a size of 1×1 cm. 

8. The QR code contains too much data.

If there is a lot of information (data) in the QR code, it automatically also contains a lot of ‘blocks’. When this gets out of control, it can mean the QR code can’t be scanned anymore. In this case, try to reduce the amount of entered date, like by shortening the URL.

The QR code is very 'crowded'; too many blocks on a small surface.

This QR code contains much data, which is why it can’t be scanned. Try it out!

9. You're scanning a QR code with your bank app

At many banks, there are possibilities to log in online, by scanning a QR code. It is a safe and quick way to log in.

But, the QR code scanners in these apps, are only meant for this purpose. They can’t scan any other QR code, than the ‘bank login’ QR codes. For scanning other QR codes, you will have to use the camera app.

Image depicting a phone screen, where a QR code is being scanned.

It’s possible to log in via a QR code on the bank app of your phone.

10. The QR code has ‘expired’

At some websites, if you generate dynamic QR codes, the QR code is blocked by the QR code generator after some time. This only works with dynamic QR codes, as the generator can stop the ‘redirecting’ page from sending visitors to the landing page. Some generators demand money, for QR codes to work indefinetly. To avoid this, you could use static QR codes, or you could create dynamic QR codes at our website. Our static and dynamic QR codes never expire. Linkto static/dynamic


There can be various reasons why your QR-code doesn’t work. The most common ones are:

  • The entered data contains a typo;
  • The QR code is of low quality;
  • You’re using an app to scan: this often doesn’t work and a camera works better;
  • Haven’t found the issue, or want to knoe more? Read about the top 10 reasons why QR-codes won’t work and their corresponding solutions.

No, a QR-code is just a background with some ‘blocks’ on it. However, if you use a QR-code scan app ads might appear in this app. Our advice: Only use your standard camera app to scan QR-codes as it works best, and it doesn’t show ads. Encountering trouble when scanning QR codes? Click here to see the most likely causes and solutions for why scanning doesn’t work.

No, at QRcode.me all QR-codes work indefinitely; so both free and premium variants never expire. Other generators will force you into a subscription, and deactivate your QR-code if you don’t comply. QRcode.me doesn’t partake in these practices, but offers QR-codes that can be customized, can be created endlessly, and ones that never expire!

You can create QR codes here.

No, all our QR-codes don’t expire. With static QR-codes all data that is entered is coded into the QR-code itself. The QR-code is generated by us once, and isn’t saved, so it can’t expire. Unique is that our dynamic QR-codes also work permanently. You can create QR codes here.